Monday, September 27, 2010


The other day GMan asked me for a dog. I think my heart started to whimper. I thought about Christmas, I thought about CBird's age. I think we will wait a bit longer if he doesn't ask too often. It is something we want as a family but the cost is prohibitive right now unfortunately... and I'm cleaning up enough poo and pee right now. Maybe, Maybe if a rescue situation made the right older dog available at the right moment...

CBird has seven teeth, and has a terrible time falling asleep so we are making some extra efforts to create a sleeping routine for her. Her sleep has improved a lot with the use of a white noise machine, the Homedics clock/radio. Thunderstorm seems to be our favorite. (She sleeps with me.)

GMan just made his first own sandwich, all by himself... a Nutella treat. Home schooling is progressing despite losing our second copy of the preschool guide book. Presidents, Civil War, bean sprouts, Collage, separating and counting Coins, writing practice and primer math. Feeling very productive.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

A Fullfilling Life

On days I think my kids do not have a full enough life.. rather than badger myself I really ought to look at the pictures we are taking... this is all in the last few weeks.Story time with Grandpa Gary on Skype and Cora the fearless tooth brusher (will not give up a toothbrush easily).
Igloo tent was given to us and is now a favorite hide out and camping site.
Vicki and Ed visited from Cincinnati and brought along their sweet doggies Shelbie and Grace
Cora looking fab in Taran's fedora during one of our recent visits on River Reach
Grady misses having dogs in the house don't you think?
And Barber Mom is always open for appointments. Grady decided to try super short.
Cincinnati zoo, need I say more Grady and Cora had a great time. Cora really perked up when she saw a Macaw.
Elephants are awesome - the little pumpkin agrees...
Lastly a little coastal time in with Aunt Lindsey...

Monday, September 20, 2010

C-Bird's First Birthday Party

All mommy's favorite colors in one bundle of ribbons, fabulous! And it matched the plates!
Our Favorite MD and Friend came by and wish our girl a Happy happy. Singing over the cake almost became too much but mommy reassured the quickly proud Cora.
All the hard work to prepare the food was sooo well worth it. We got to enjoy the leftovers.
Was really wonderful to have so many come and see us on this special day, including our Good Friends from Savannah Carmen, Scott, Isa and Maya
Cora partied so hard and would not take a nap, or be nursed to sleep at all, but dang it the cheesey puffs finally did the trick.